Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New camera!

Finally after years and years of using my Canon Power shot it died a slow and battery eating painful death... Oh well! But since I had to start taking pictures for school it was time to invest in a Olympus! Instead of typing away here are some bitchin' pics. 

The best picture of Jasper EVER.


I forgot to take off flash....

Fuckers ate my bread.

FYI its an Olympus X-42 AMAZING. AMAZING.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Leather the fabric of champions!

So I am sure some of you are wondering why in the shit I would want to make my own shoes when you can clearly get a pair from any store in a 5 mile radius? Well for one is I have wide ass feet.

Not kidding it has always been a bitch to find ANY kind of shoe that fits. From pumps to sandals for some reason they either would stretch out from the side or would need 5 cans of Pam cooking spray to get a toe in. So a couple of days ago I had the greatest idea in the fucking world to sew my own flats.

Where did this thought lead me to? 

Shitty craft websites that had no idea what they where talking about. Or if they did not a single bandwidth eating picture in site. That makes things in my perspective 1000X harder to learn/do. Also going to an art school makes you feel artsy. 

Super artsy.

Another reason is that I haven't sewn in ages and my sewing machine needs a good workout. So to torture it even more than I usually would by sewing leather, but not just any kind Pig Skin!

I am amazed by my own cell's ability to take a nice picture.

Its super soft, lovely color, and thin! Which is great when it comes to sewing garments and anything of the like. I guess it would be considered suede since it has a suede-y like texture and stinks like nothing you have ever smelt. 

Fore-warning anyone that has never bought it before it has a nasty stench. I might seem a bit dramatic about it but fuck it was like a whiff of something odd.

Its hard to describe the odor but it was like a mixture of ass and stale shoes.So my suggestion is to air it out where dogs, cats, people, sea-bears won't touch/attack it. Then after a day or so it smells normal again.

Sewing it is a completely different story I know a lot of people have tried to sew pleather and had crappy results in doing so. Usually it ends up having big gaping holes from either to small of needles or overly large needles.

I guess you can say in the sewing world the is a debate on whether you should use a "Leather needle" or just a normal size 18 one. 

I have used this brand a couple of times here are some Pro's and Con's.

  • Stayed sharp through entire sewing session
  • Didn't snap as easy as a generic needle
  • The type of metal they used is top quality
  • Expensive
  • Hard to find
  • Limited sizes

Then again this can be subjective to everyone's beliefs if you like a certain brand then use it. I just used this example because it was the first thing to popped up in my mind.

Since I don't want to spend money on expensive needles I am going for the generic kind unless I see others on sale.

I am going to be visiting the Dollar Tree this week they might surprise me in the sewing/craft department.

Another thing that I want people who sew and those who don't to check out places like the 99 cent store or discount stores. Just because they sell things cheaper you never know what treasures you might find!

                        THINGS I HAVE FOUND AT THE DOLLAR TREE.
  • Condoms
  • Athlete books
  • Shoes
  • Scary children's toys
  • Pretzels
  • Sewing needles
  • Ghetto sham wow 
  • Nasty lotion

But I digress lemme show you how to prep you sewing machine for our orgasmic leather ahead. Also I am going to have a trouble shooting guide if you are still having problems. 

(Its going to be the same style that I usually do on Deviant Art just without the background and more dirty puns, cuss words and other random things.) 

First thing is first if you haven't used your machine in some time I would suggest that you clean and or blow it out with an air compressor. Dirt and other icky things get into cracks and crevices in which can screw you over while sewing. 

If you don't have an air compressor then you can buy one of those air cans that they use to clean out computers. Here is a picture of one that I found on Google, surely you can find some at Wal-Mart or Target. I don't think they sell this stuff at the Dollar tree.

 Totally off topic but doesn't it look like that computer on the can is enjoying itself just a bit to much? Creepy. For a second there I could have sworn that it said Blow Job...


Back to cleaning your sewing machine its optional that you can do this step. If you keep your sewing machine on the floor (like I do) where it can collect dirt like the dirty hoe it is then you need to make sure to blow it out. But if you have it in a case then your OK usually a quick wipe down with a damp cloth will make it look like new again.

Its a bitch to clean that shit out.

Reasons why you shouldn't leave your precious items on the floor.
I had blogged last time that I don't have extra cash on me for things like canned air or good needles. So this is where you have to DIY and use your toboggan noggin. 
Ways to clean you machine when you don't have an air compressor or an air can that looks like its partying a little to hard
  • Damp cloth 
  • Tissue 
  • Q-tips
  • Blowing at it
  • Hair dryer
Just a reminder "DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK." 
I am in no way responsible that you felt like being a bit special K and take the can air huff it, spray to much and destroy your machine and or blow it up because you "FORGOT" to use the low setting on your hair dryer. Use common sense if you smell burning plastic then maybe walk away for a couple of minutes to let it cool off. 

Also don't be a dumbass and try to get "high" from can jacking off computer thing. That is just cheap.

Another issue that sewers have is the tension on their sewing machine. Its amazing how one little dial can get people stressed out to the point of tears.

Don't fear, I am going to explain everything that you need to know and by the time this is done you will be able to conquer the knob/dial of hate! First thing is first you need to find your sewing machine manual and if you don't have one then try out my tips until you find the right setting.

Now from what I can remember from my first sewing class is that usually the machine will have some sort of mark on the dial to show where the correct tension should be.

But that might just be with the newer models I know for a fact that mine doesn't have that. So its time to get a be creative, what you are going to need is
  • Different types of fabric
  • Multi Sized sewing needles
  • Time
  • Patients

OK so after you cleaned out the machine grab a couple of scraps of fabric such as cotton, polyester, satin, silk, wool and test them out. Usually by now whatever fabric you have sewn will end up with a giant turd ball of thread.

Oh you know what I am talking about that piece of shit thread getting jammed into your feed dogs and it takes 5 people to hold the sewing machine down and you to pull and cut.

Now I am going to stop here for right now but I am soon going to be dedicating an entire blog post to TENSION and what we need to sew to make it work correctly so make sure to check back often!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I want to make shoes/ UPDATES!

Have you ever been in a shoe store and find the perfect pair of flats, heels, or sandals? But they don't have them in your size or color OR price you are willing to pay. Well life is a bitch and I am here to learn how to create things with it. Now where does one start her research to learn how to make anything? Google. So far there is zip, nothing at all about shoe making or how to even start it! 

Unless you want to pay $33.99 for a shoe making book from Mary Wales Loomis 
In which I don't even want to go down the road of having to buy a book to learn how to make something. Right now I don't have any extra cash that could put used towards that. OK now what is most important is what kind of shoe do I want to make?


Not just any kind of flats either cute ones that will last me more than a week.

Here are some piccy's to entertain y'all OR give you some type of inspiration. Also I won't be or trying to make heels since I can't wear them and I am sure they would be costing a mini fortune to create.

Ladies you know exactly what I am talking about here. You find a nice pair of shoes whoopee! But dun dun duuuun the back of the heel is plastic and rubs your skin raw. Some of us would just by pass this tidbit and say "PSHH WHATEVA." But for how long can you take  that rippin' and tearin'? 

You know that feeling when you walk how every step you are in agonizing pain and whenever you get the chance to sit on anything from stools, chairs, the floor you willl. Is there a snowball chance in hell that you would be able to walk home? 

Fuck that by the time you get done with shopping your face will be full of tears and your feet will be squishing in a fountain amount of blood. There is a solution and I can tell you that no one is paying me to say this but you have to buy something called Hevenly heelz

Every crappy flat I have bought so far has a pair of these miracle savers in them. If you have bought shoes from Payless to Target you know what I mean about shitty craftsmen ship.

Its like an orgasm for your feet. Don't believe me? BUY A PAIR AND USE THEM. That means no bloody shoes/crying tears and your skin will be nice and intact!

I have found them at Target for around $5.00 a package.... It hurts me to have to spend that much money on a piece of foam but come on I like my feet!

Anyways back to shoe making so what do I need to even start? 

I have no idea.


So instead of just sitting here pondering what to use I am going to do a bit of surgery on an old (LIES THEY ONLY LASTED 2 WEEKS.) pair of shoes that I paid $19.00 bucks for.

Well I need to get pictures later to show how ugly/messed up they are. I mean come on lemme warn you not to buy from this shoe maker... should I tell you who they are? OK I will

Terrible I tell you!

AGHH DON'T LET THEM FOOL YOU WITH CHEAP PRICES AND FANCY DISPLAYS. Crappy fabric/construction and over flippen priced.

But here is a list of materials that I found from someone else you can add or take away as you see fit.
*All you have to do is click the word to be taken to the places I bought some shit from and others are just a guide*





Foot last
 (I don't have a picture for it yet since I have to make it...)
But I found an amazing tutorial that showed me how!
Here is the link 
This makes life that much easier.

OK so far this is the general list of items that you can use. But the hardest part I would have to say is making the mold of my foot. I found some tutorials online but a lot of them look overly hard/too expensive. So lets use the KISS method and if you don't know what that stands for its KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID.

How can I keep it simple?

This is only part one of God knows how many!
Until next time.
P.S- Make sure to bookmark this page so that you can keep updated on what I am doing!

You can follow me and the shit that I do on Twitter and Facebook and DeviantArt!