Monday, February 6, 2012

San Francisco

It has been way to long and now that I have time to write its going to be a long entry with a shit ton of pictures. Okay where to start I am not sure who knows what but let me give you a quick re-cap of the last 4 months.

  • Finished the fall semester.
  • Had enough money to go to school in the spring.
  • Currently living like a real starving artist because San Francisco is fucking expensive. 
Besides the fact that money is tight and there is a shit ton of weirdos around lets talk about the good parts of the city. I live near Fisherman's Warf which is pretty sweet considering the fact that me and about 150+ people are "Over-flowing" housing. Long story short because we are over the age of 21 and considered adults we have to live in a converted hotel. Its a nice place kinda cramped but its liveable.

Some people would bitch and say that I got lucky to get housing but let me tell you this for the money I paid we should damn well have the right to a stove!

HA guess not.

Yeah we get stuck with 2 microwaves... and one of them stops working after 4 minutes. Not just that but its called the commons room where people can gather and whatnot but the thing is if you don't keep it clean then everyone gets bitched at.

My roommate told me that last semester one of the RA's (resident assistant) actually took TOOK away the only means of cooking.

Poof its gone. Bullshit if you ask me but I digress. Lets get on with the pictures!